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Jul 28, 2019

Have you ever delayed a conversation even though you knew it was important? Have you made choices that went against what you knew was in your best interest? We do this all the time, but why?  And how can we get out of our own way?

Our guest Mark Green is an advisor, coach and author of "Activators: A CEO's Guide to...

Jul 25, 2019

Every day we hear the challenges of women in the work force.  Being a female Thought Leader can come with many of the same challenges.  What can you do to push past those hardships and excel?

Our guest Robin Farmanfarmaian is a speaker, entrepreneur, and author of "The Patient as CEO" and "The Thought Leader...

Jul 21, 2019

It never feels good to fail nevertheless in your career it is going to happen.  Are you comfortable with that?  Could that story be told in an authentic and vulnerable way to lead to something positive?

Our guest Corey Blake is the Founder and CEO of "Round Table Companies" which is a partner in "Conscious...

Jul 18, 2019

Speakers Bureaus can open doors and help expand your keynote business; but do you know how to make yourself more appealing and create a positive relationship an agent at a bureau?

Our guest Barrett Cordero is the President of "Big Speak" one of the largest and most successful Speakers Bureaus in America.

If you...

Jul 14, 2019

Taking on the role of CEO and Thought Leader can put a lot on your plate.  How do you manage those roles while still making time to listen to your customers and create the content they want?

Our guest Jonathan Raymond, is the CEO of "Refound", the author of "Good Authority" and was named one of Ink 100 Top...