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Jul 20, 2023

Ever heard, "To be successful, you have to get out of your comfort zone!"
But if your "comfort zone" aligns with your core values, what then?
Can you find an alignment between those values and marketing that will allow you to stay in your comfort zone and find success?

Our guest today is the “Go for Yes Gal!” Stacey Hall! Stacey is the founder of Success with Stacey Hall, a well-known success strategist, TedX speaker, and best-selling author with her fifth book “Selling from Your Comfort Zone: The Power of Alignment Marketing”.

Our conversation starts by covering the 23 years between Stacey’s first and fifth books.  She shares what has changed and what has stayed the same in the publishing industry and why she returned to BK Publishing for her newest book.

Stacey discusses the content of her book Selling from Your Comfort Zone explaining how people want to stay aligned with their core values and are no longer willing to let them go.  She covers how the current environment for sales can be confusing and why it is often better to stay in your comfort zone, expanding on it in alignment with your current values and skills.

In addition to learning about the content of the book Stacey shares how she is marketing the book and what she is doing differently now.  She gives us insights into using technology like social media, AI, and podcasts to market the book from home to create both free and paid offshoots of the book that you can use to lead people to the book or your other offerings.

Three Key Takeaways:

* Put tidbits of your book on social media.  Don't just tell them the book is coming give them bits of the content as a teaser.

*  When creating free tie-ins to the book, they have to come out before the book to create interest and excitement.

* It is important to publish your book in different formats.  Paper, ebooks, and audio have all become popular methods of consuming books.