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Jul 23, 2023

Thought Leadership can be very complicated, with nuanced ideas and industry jargon. 
Unfortunately, complex language and niche ideas won't catch your audience's attention!

To explore how to take big thought leadership ideas to market, I’ve invited Jessica Duffield to join me. Jessica is a Senior Consultant at Thought Leadership Leverage. She's worked with clients for nearly 10 years, helping them create content, find their best audience, and go to scale with unique ideas.

We discuss the most effective ways to take big ideas and turn them into bit-sized content, ensuring your audience will notice them - and easily remember the content. Jessica walks us through the process of finding the strongest core ideas of your thought leadership and focusing on those, creating a simplified vision of your content that can be easily grasped.

In addition to breaking your content down, you need to know your audience - who do you want to work with and for? Jessica gives valuable advice not only for finding your audience, but understanding their needs, worries, and where they are within their organizations.

Additionally, we discuss the need for a hook that will grab your audience quickly.  Jessica shares how and why sharing your story authenticity can be the "hook" you need to get your audience to stop scrolling and want more.

Three Key Takeaways:

* You often only get a few seconds to grab your audience's attention.  And if you can't evoke interest and curiosity in your idea in that time, you've failed.

* When creating content, sometimes you’ll have to "Kill Your Darlings"  to maintain focus on the most important facets of your thought leadership and your audience.

* Big ideas don’t have to be complicated.  In fact, making your ideas easy to understand means a larger audience will be able to consume your content and follow you to the next level.