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Jul 27, 2023

Accountability and compassion are often thought of as two things that can’t go together.  Yet they are not ideas that are in opposition to each other.  In fact, when put together they can have a transformational effect on the employees, leaders, and culture of your organization.

In order to really understand how we can merge these two concepts I’ve invited Nate Regier to join me.  He is the Founder and CEO of Next Element, a global leadership firm helping build cultures of compassionate accountability.  And his newest book is Compassionate Accountability: How Leaders Build Connection and Get Results.

We start with Nate explaining exactly what Compassionate Accountability and why putting the two ideas together can create psychological safety and build trust that will ultimately lead to stronger relationships and increased performance.

Now that we know what Compassionate Accountability is, how can we practice it? Nate explains how he has developed a working definition of compassion that helps to shift our mindsets.  This mindset is about more than simply getting along it is about being an active participant in solving problems and being in the trenches together.

Not only does Nate help us understand how to practice this mindset he shares how you can deploy it across your entire organization! In order to do that you have to be clear about what the behaviors norms are.  Nate lays out the six areas of organizational life where you can apply this new lens, how you can identify critical behaviors being manifested, where the gaps are, and where the opportunities for improvement are.

If you want to see revolutionary change in yourself and your organization you’ll want to listen to this episode and immediately pick up Nate’s book!

Three Key Takeaways:

·         Leaders that hold people accountable without also treating them as valuable and capable will not have employees for long.

·         Compassion is a teachable and learning capability.  And it can have a dramatic positive impact on people's lives.

·         If we struggle together and bring more compassion to the world then everyone wins.