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Dec 7, 2023

When the time comes to hire someone new, how can you tell if you have the right candidate? 
Plenty of thought leaders can tell you that even the best programs often have knowledge gaps, between what is learned in school and what it takes to do a job from day to day.

Our guest today is William Vanderbloemen. William's been a senior pastor for 15 years, and comes from a strong HR background at Fortune 200 companies. He is the founder of the Vanderbloemen Search Group, helping churches, schools, nonprofits, family offices, and values-based businesses find key staff, and also the author of Search: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook, the go-to guide for creating a pastoral succession plan.

William shares his journey into thought leadership, starting with his blog on how to build, run, and maintain a great team. As his business expanded, he instituted a content quota for everyone in the business, literally making thought leadership a companywide responsibility.

With so many contributors to the content pool, it would be easy to get off track. William describes how they’ve created detailed "personas" (also called "avatars") to guide their marketing. These "personas" are clearly defined, allowing them to address specific, identifiable pain points. Additionally, William shares how these personas are regularly updated to keep up with the changing world.

Finally, William discusses his book Search: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook, which targets a micro-niche audience but has sold 60000 copies and secured him a spot as the go-to guy when churches are seeking a succession plan. William shares how the book is full of quantitative data with qualitative stories, giving data-driven facts instead of opinions.

This conversation demonstrates how you can find great success by getting super focused on your audience and how you can accomplish that.

Three Key Takeaways:

·         If you create target avatars to guide content creation, update them often – and be sure to know their current challenges!

·         Content-based marketing and thought-based leadership that doesn't come from the top it's not going to work in the organization.

·         Clickbait might get immediate attention, but thought leadership earns you a loyal following!