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Jul 31, 2018

When you are developing your platform it isn't temporary.  It's got to feel good, you have to be proud of it and it has to be part of you.  Dana Shaw Arimoto, founder of Phoenix5 and author of the “Stop Settling” movement talks with Peter about her journey.

Together they share advise and experience working...

Jul 26, 2018

If you are an established academic writer looking to make the jump to a more general audience with your material you could end up facing a lot of hardships you did not expect.  Today on Leveraging Thought Leadership Jackie Stavros, co-author of the new book “Conversations Worth Having” from Berrett-Koehler...

Jul 24, 2018

If you are seeking to take your assessment product to the market place you are going to need to know where the opportunity for growth is!  Are you aware of why videos need to be shorter than 8 minutes followed by a questionnaire?   Do you want to use an off the shelf tested assessment that thousands of companies use. ...

Jul 19, 2018

Politics in business is often considered to be taboo and not be be spoken of.  Nancy Halpern, a leadership consultant and pioneer in the field of leadership development joins Peter to to discuss how politics can yield positive results and three inspiring tips for anyone starting out on their journey as a...

Jul 17, 2018

When it comes to brand marketing it is easy to get lost in the crowd if your not a huge company.  This week Adam Witty, Founder and CEO of Advantage | ForbesBooks and author of Authority Marketing shares his insight on how to give credibility to your brand, who you should seek out for feedback, and how quizzes can draw...